Chinese Wax-leaved Privet
(Ligustrum lucidum)

Chinese Wax-leaved Privet';

Chinese Privet is a large evergreen shrub or small tree (3 to 10 metres high). It has dark green, thick, leathery, glossy leaves and from October to February it is covered in scented white flowers in large terminal clusters followed by shiny black berries. It fruits and leaves are poisonous to some animals and humans.

Other names
Chinese Privet, Glossy Privet, Tree Privet, Wax-leaf Privet (English)
Invasive status
NEMBA Category 1b in KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, Eastern and Western Cape, Gauteng and North West, Category 3 in Free State and Northern Cape
CARA 2002 Category 1
Originally from
Asia (Korea and China)
Where is it a problem?
KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, Eastern and Western Cape
How does it spread?
Seed dispersal, mainly by birds
Why is it a problem?
This vigorous plant competes with and replaces indigenous species and is poisonous to some animals and humans.
Planting alternatives
Dogwood (Rhamnus prinoides), Tree Fuschia (Halleria lucida), Weeping Sage (Buddleja auriculata), Cheesewood (Pittosporum viridiflorum), Christmas Bride’s Bush (Pavetta gardeniifolia), Forest Bride’s Bush (Pavetta lanceolata), Camphor Bush (Tarchonanthus camphoratus).
Ornamental and hedging plant

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