Project M5a

This is one of our largest private pavement conversion projects for a wildlife corridor that continues from previous projects Project G7, Project G8 and Project G14) in the same area.

Here was yet another grass verge begging to be so much more. The potential of an area this size makes it a very appealing project for us.

The project was started on 3 April 2016 when a small area of grass was removed for our signature planting. However the intention in the future is to continue right along this pavement covering a massive area (about 300m²).

Before image


After image


Phase 1 of this project was completed on 7 April 2016 apart from the standard weeding and other ongoing maintenance. A large patch of the original lawn has been removed and the area has been re-planted with a diverse selection of indigenous plants...

For a full picture diary of the garden please see the below.

Plant list

This project involves a large area and will therefore have an extensive plant list. Below is the start of the list and a count of how many plants have been used. Expect the list to become very long as we move ahead. Over time this will change as we get new plant donations that can help diversify the area. As this project is ongoing, the list will be updated regularly and does not contain the full list yet.

1 Knob Thorn (Senegalia nigrescens)
1 Tree Aloe (Aloe barbarae)
2 Blue Freylinia (Freylinia tropica)
5 Firesticks (Euphorbia tirucalli 'Firesticks')
53 Barberton Senecio (Senecio barbertonicus)
224 Porkbush (Portulacaria afra)
145 Golden Daisy Bush (Euryops chrysanthemoides)
78 Krantz Aloe (Aloe arborescens)
3 Aloe 'Rooibok' (hybrid)
1 Sage leafed Buddleja (Buddleja salvifolia)
40 Coral Aloe (Aloe striata subsp. striata)
5 Book Aloe (Aloe suprafoliata)
3 Aloe maculata (hybrid x)
1 Aloe 'Bafana' (hybrid)
27 Money Plant (Crassula ovata)
37 Yellow Wild Iris (Dietes bicolor)
37 Pig's Ear (Cotyledon orbiculata var. macrantha)
28 Ribbon Bush (Hypoestes aristata)
68 Snake Flower (Bulbine frutescens)
1 Bushveld Kalenchoe (Red form) (Kalenchoe sexangularis)
106 Bushveld Kalenchoe (Green form) (Kalenchoe sexangularis)
16 Chalk Fingers (Cotyledon orbiculata var oblonga)
64 Elk horns (Cotyledon orbiculata 'Elk Horns')
285 Spur Flower (Plectranthus neochilus)
19 Blue Pencil (Senecio cylindricus)
7 Stapelia gigantea (Carrion Flower)
12 Miniature Pine Tree (Crassula tetragona)
12 Creeping Foxglove (Asystasia gangetica)
6 Crassula (Crassula streyi)
2 Sour Fig (Carpobrotus edulis)
1 Trailing Iceplant (Delosperma cooperi)
104 Crassula (Crassula spathulata)
592 Beesvygie (Ruschia pulvinaris)
27 Blue Rose (Echeveria imbricata)
68 Jelly Beans (Sedum rubrotinctum)
2,075 Total plants (and counting)

Project contributions

Thank you to these people and companies that have helped to finance or assist on this project. If you would like to donate towards this project, please click the donation button below:

  • Warren & Noël Sidersky (supplying trees, compost and clearing of rubble and green waste)
  • Michael Lötter & Aviva Capelluto (plant donations)
  • for plant donations

Please help... This worthwhile community project needs your help to keep it alive. We cannot provide the labour, equipment and consumables without your assistance. Please help us where you can...


No one has ever become poor by giving

When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.


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