Project Ullmann
Ernest Ullmann Park is an integral part of our long term aim to create wildlife corridors in residential areas that lead to or from parks like this. This is a blanket project that covers a number of smaller plans to bring the park back to its former glory.
An integrated solution like this is vital to our plans to create large wildlife havens that extend right into residents' gardens and in May 2016 we put that idea into action.
Unfortunately, Ernest Ullmann Park is typical of many of Johannesburg's parks. City Parks, the government department charged with our parks' maintenance, regards this area as very low priority and in keeping with this attitude they do very little to maintain it.
We cannot just enter a city park and take over maintenance or plant trees without the approval of City Parks. For this reason we have teamed up with the Friends of Sandspruit who are accredited by City Parks to take on this role. Under their guidance and with the help of City Parks environmental and tree experts we are helping in the following areas: