Honey Locust
(Gleditsia triacanthos)

Honey Locust';

The Honey Locust is deciduous, spreading tree 15 to 20 metres tall. The trunk and branches have vicious, three-branched spines. The leaves are bright green, bi-pinnate, lance-shaped and minutely toothed. Small, yellowish-green flowers appear from October to November. The seed capsules are flat and twisted brown pods.

Other names
Honeyshuck, Sweet Locust (English)
Soetpeulboom, Driedoringboom, Springkaanboom (Afrikaans)
leoka (Sesotho)
Invasive status
NEMBA Category 1b
CARA 2002 Category 1
Originally from
North America
Where is it a problem?
Western Cape, Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Free State, Gauteng and Mpumalanga
How does it spread?
Seed dispersal, often by water
Why is it a problem?
It competes with and replaces indigenous species. It forms dense stands along watercourses which can significantly reduce stream flow.
Fodder and donga reclamation

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