Red River Gum
(Eucalyptus camaldulensis)

Red River Gum';

The Red River Gum is an immense evergreen tree 18 to 40 metres tall with a spreading crown. The bark is smooth, mottled, white or grey, often tinged in red in colder areas. The leaves are a pale, dull green. Cream flowers appear from September to January and produce brown to reddish brown fruit capsules.

Other names
Murray Red Gum; Red Gum; Rostrata Gum (English)
Rooibloekom (Afrikaans)
Invasive status
NEMBA Category Category 1b within - (i) riparian areas; (ii) a Protected Area declared in terms of the Protected Areas act; or, (iii) within a Listed Ecosystem or an ecosystem identified for conservation in terms of a Bioregional Plan or Biodiversity Management Plans published under the Act. b. Not listed within Nama-Karoo, Succulent Karoo and Desert biomes, excluding within any area mentioned in (a) above. c. Category 1b in Fynbos, Grassland, Savanna, Albany Thicket, Forest and Indian Ocean Coastal Belt biomes, but- (i) Category 2 for plantations, woodlots, bee-forage areas, wind-rows and the lining of avenues. (ii) Not listed within cultivated land that is at least 50 metres away from untransformed land, but excluding within in any area in (a) above. (iii) Not listed within 50 metres of the main house on a farm, but excluding in (a) above. (iv) Not listed in urban areas for trees within a diameter of more than 400 mm at 1000 mm height at the time of publishing of this Notice, but excluding in (a) above.
CARA 2002 Category 2
Originally from
Where is it a problem?
Throughout South Africa, particularly in the Western Cape, Northern Cape, Gauteng and Free State
How does it spread?
Seed dispersal and suckering
Why is it a problem?
It competes with and replaces indigenous riverine species. Extensive stands along watercourses are likely to cause a significant reduction in stream flow. It invades perennial, seasonal and intermittent water courses.
Planting alternatives
White Stinkwood (Celtis africana)
Shelter, timber, firewood, ornamental and as a honey source

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